JustBats Blog

Composite Bat Customer Questions

Written by Derek H | Jan 31, 2013 9:43:25 AM

As composite bats become more popular at all age and talent levels, we get all kinds of questions about proper care, break-in methods, etc. Here is a list of some of the most frequently asked composite questions that we receive at JustBats.com:

What is a composite bat made of?
Composite bats are made of carbon, glass or Kevlar fibers embedded in a plastic resin.

Do I need to break in a composite bat?
Yes, as a general rule of thumb, composite bats need to be broken in before they reach their full potential. However, there are a few bat manufacturers that are using a new composite technology that doesn’t require a break-in period. Be sure to ask a JustBats.com representative for full details about each composite bat.

>>> Check out all the Composite Bats from JustBats.com <<<

How do I break in a composite bat?
Breaking in a composite bat is easy and fun. It takes anywhere between 150 and 200 swings for the composite material to break down and reach it’s full potential. Play soft toss with real baseballs or hit them off of a tee, rotating the barrel ¼” after each swing to ensure complete barrel coverage. Start your swing speed at 50% power and slowly work your way up to full power by the end of the process. Once this break-in process is complete, the composite bat will be game ready.

Can I roll or shave my composite bat to break it in?
While these are two methods of altering composite materials and making them livelier, they are not recommended by JustBats.com. Rolling, shaving or tampering with your bat in any way will automatically void a manufacturer’s warranty and will deem a bat illegal if detected by an umpire.

Can I use a composite bat in cold weather?
It is not recommended to use a composite bat in temperatures below 60 degrees. Lower temperatures will decrease the bats performance and increase the potential of cracking.

Why do composite bats cost more than alloy or wood bats?
The materials and labor involved in producing a composite bat drive the cost. It’s more expensive to produce a composite bat than an alloy or wood, hence the higher price.

These are just a few of the many composite bat questions that we receive on a daily basis. If you have a specific question that we missed, leave us a comment and we’ll be sure to get back to you with our expert analysis. If you have a picture or video of you breaking in your composite bat or using it in a game, click on the following link for details on how you can enter to win a $25 or $300 JustBats.com gift card.