JustBats Blog

Monday Meet and Greet: Brian B.

Written by Megan P | Jan 2, 2012 7:48:51 PM

Every Monday we’d like you to meet someone new around here at JustBats.com. Get to know us a little better! Meet Brian! Brian works in our IT Department and helps make sure the computer bugs stay away! Here is what makes Brian tick.

How long have you worked at JustBats.com?
Brian: 16 months
What do you like to do outside of JustBats.com?
Brian: My family keeps me extremely busy. I can be found attending sporting events or doing many different family events.
Mac or PC?
Brian: PC... most of the time.
Your a computer guy, any tech advice for people coming into the IT world?
Brian: Be flexible, learn as much as you can, and always remember there is never a problem that can't be fixed.
What’s are your favorite teams?
Brian: Missouri Tigers and Kansas City Royals
What’s the most frustrating thing about computers?
Brian: It has to be email spam... definitely email spam!
What is your favorite memory from college?
Brian: The obvious answer, hanging out and spending time with friends from college.
What made you decide to go the IT route?
Brian: I actually went to college for programming. In High School I enjoyed writing minor programs and it wasn't until I was at college that I decided that I enjoyed the Networking, Security, and Infrastructure part of the IT world.
If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?
Brian: Iron Man, he has unlimited gadgets at his expense.
What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
Brian: My first car was a 1969 Mustang... Did quite a few crazy things in that car at age 16.
What is your favorite part about working at JustBats.com?
Brian: The daily challenges in an amazing team atmosphere and continuing to make the IT experience at JustBats.com a great place for everyone.