Reader Feedback

Posted by Derek H on Jan 3, 2013 11:06:56 AM

As enters the new year and we begin preparing for your upcoming season, we want to take a step back and thank you for reading our blog each week. We’d also like to request that you take a minute and provide us your feedback on how we’re doing and thoughts regarding the information we’re providing you on a regular basis.

Do you think that we’re:

  • Giving you useful information on new bats?
  • Providing content that is interesting and relevant to you?
  • Doing a great job and shouldn’t change a thing?
  • Striking out and need to start over from scratch?
  • Other thoughts?

This is your opportunity to make the blog exactly what you want it to be. In fact, if you think you can write a better blog post, give it a shot! Send us your bat review to with pictures or video and we’ll consider using it. We’ll also give you a $300 gift card if your submission is chosen. So don’t hold back. Tell us what you want to see and we’ll continue to do our best to write the best baseball bat blog on the web!

Topics: Exclusives