Megan P

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February's Most Popular Bats

Posted by Megan P on Feb 29, 2012 3:51:37 PM

Check out February's Most Popular Bats from!

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Vendor of the Week: Easton

Posted by Megan P on Feb 28, 2012 10:58:29 AM


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George Brett Endorses

Posted by Megan P on Feb 28, 2012 8:52:47 AM

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Topics: Behind the Scenes, Baseball Bats, Products, Exclusives

Monday Meet And Greet: Ryan W

Posted by Megan P on Feb 27, 2012 4:11:14 PM

Every Monday we’d like you to meet someone new around here at Get to know us a little better! Meet Ryan! Ryan is our Product Manager and makes sure that everything you want to buy on is up to par and the best of the best! Here is what makes Ryan tick.

1. How long have you worked here at
I believe that June 1st of this year will be 5 years for me.
2. What is your favorite sport and team?
Depending on the season, my favorite sport is either baseball or football and my favorite team is either the Royals or Chiefs.
3. What's your favorite thing about working at
The relationships that I get to have, given my position, are definitely my favorite part of the job. I get to meet and hang out with some really cool people.
4. What kind of stuff do you like to do outside of work?
I like to fish and hunt, camp, play golf, and hang out. Really anything outdoors except soccer is good with me.
5. Tell us a little bit about what you do here at as Product Manager?
I manage all of the products we buy and sell here. Everything on the shelves is my responsibility. We work to keep everything in stock, not spend way too much money, and be as profitable as possible.
6. How do you stay on top of what products are new and hot items?
Those relationships I mentioned earlier are a big part of staying on top of the industry. We hear about new products and hot products from our customers and our suppliers, but hearing it before anyone else goes back to the relationships.
7. Any words of advice for people going in to your line of work?
Never stop learning. I had no background in this when I started, and it was a rough start, but because of the resources I've been given and the ability and blessing to go learn it, I have become very knowledgeable in the field. I think that is possible with any field. Just go learn it, don't stop, strive to be the best in the world at whatever it is you're doing.
8. What's your favorite memory of working at
My team has been on some very memorable outings, but my favorite was the time we were all at Hereford House for a happy hour meeting some time around Christmas. I'll leave out the details except for Dave acting as Santa and Jim sitting on his lap telling him what he wanted for Christmas.
9. You've been in quite a few images and videos, think there is an acting career in your future?
One day, after the great Jason Statham passes away, I'd like to think my looks alone would land me the role as him in his life story.
10. Because the Oscar's were on the last night, give us your favorite movie.
Probably Dazed and Confused.


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Topics: Behind the Scenes

Rip-It Reaper

Posted by Megan P on Feb 24, 2012 1:52:10 PM

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Topics: Baseball Bats, Products, Technology & Terminology Buyer's Guide: Youth Big Barrel Baseball Bats

Posted by Megan P on Feb 23, 2012 11:29:15 AM

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Topics: How To

Worth Copperhead BBCOR

Posted by Megan P on Feb 22, 2012 3:36:13 PM

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Topics: Baseball Bats, Products, Technology & Terminology

Player of the Week: Derek Jeter

Posted by Megan P on Feb 22, 2012 10:45:06 AM

photo from:

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Topics: Baseball Bats

Vendor Of The Week: Marucci

Posted by Megan P on Feb 21, 2012 4:06:56 PM


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Topics: Vendors / Brands

Monday Meet And Greet: Jeramey J

Posted by Megan P on Feb 20, 2012 6:57:09 AM

Every Monday we’d like you to meet someone new around here at Get to know us a little better! Meet Jeramey! Jeramey is our Facilities Manager and makes sure that everything inside and outside the building is looking good and working well! Here is what makes Jeramey tick.

1. How long have you worked here at
I have been employed at for over 8 years. I was hired when I was 16 years old, in 2003.
2. What kind of stuff do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my family, running and playing any sport, traveling, catching a good movie, trying new restaurants, anything outdoors, and long walks on the beach at sunset.
3. As Facilities Manager, what kind of responsibilities do you undertake each day?
My team’s main focus is to create the "WOW" in every individual who walks through our facility. My responsibilities range from managing facilities expansions and interior remodel projects, to insuring our facility is immaculate and all resources/ amenities we have are working properly 100% of the time. We are constantly improving our facility and our systems.
4. Is it difficult keeping a big building like this spotless and up-to-date everyday?
In order to maintain an awesome facility like ours, you have to have good employees and great systems in place to do so. We create, monitor, and improve our systems everyday to ensure keeping our facility spotless and up-to-date is easy.
5. Everyone around here knows you're a hard worker, both on the job and training, what kind of activities do you train for?
I am always training to be a better competitive distance runner. I love to race marathons and half marathons all across the country. I also train at Title Boxing, and do several other cross training sports/ activities like Racquetball, Swimming, Biking, Dodgeball, and Volleyball. I grew up playing Baseball and Wrestling.

I am currently in the process of obtaining my CFM (Certified Facilities Manager) designation, and am taking courses right now to achieve it. At we are all highly encouraged to pursue further education and self improvement.
6. On a long run, what keeps you motivated to push through every mile?
I’ll think about the countless individuals who are physically handicapped and will never be able to run, but would give everything to someday get to experience it. I’ve been blessed with a unique gift and run for everyone who can’t.
In the last 6.2 miles of the marathon, I’ll dedicate each mile to someone. Knowing you are running for them, really helps push past the toughest part of the race and finish strong.
7. What drives you to want to stay in shape?
Four years ago I was over 20% body fat and couldn’t run 2 easy paced miles without stopping to walk. I finally woke up one day and decided to never be out of shape in my life again. Since then, I’ve lost 35 pounds and workout everyday of the week. My goal is to beat the Kenyans one day in the Marathon and Half Marathon Events. Right now I am striving to qualify for the 2016 Olympic trials in the Half Marathon. If you set your goals high, you’ll always be hungry for more!
8. Just so we can know you a little better, what's the last thing you listened to on your iPod?
The current audio book I am re-listening to is Dale Carnegie's “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

The last song I listened to was either “More” by Usher or “The River” by Garth Brooks.
9. What's your favorite thing about working at
I’ve literally grown up right along with the company, and have had the privilege to experience first hand all of the amazing growth and accomplishments has made throughout the years. I love our company culture and core values that we truly do live each and every day. The fact that every employee is heard and has a chance to make a difference sets us apart from everyone else.
10. Tell us what you're currently training for? Anything awesome for 2012?
I am currently training for the 116th annual Boston Marathon which I’ll be racing in April. I’ll then focus my training towards increased speed in the Half Marathon. I’ll be racing in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Illinois,Texas, California, Florida, and possibly New York this year.

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