We made it. With the new year in full swing, the team at JustBats wanted to recap what a great year 2016 was and share our most popular blog posts, just in case you missed 'em.
Topics: JustBats.com Exclusives, Uncategorized
It's happening. The holidays are here, which means it's time to get presents for all of your loved ones.
Have a future ballplayer running around the house? How about a significant other that fancies themselves a rising star at the ballpark? Does the softball player in your life need something that will enhance their on-field game? We understand. Here is a Holiday Gift Guide from JustBats to help you out.
Topics: Baseball Bats, Softball Bats, JustBats.com Exclusives
Your bat just broke. Or, it has become defective by cracking or denting.
First off, we are very sorry to hear about your broken bat. What do you need to do now? Is it covered by a warranty? Do you need to buy a new baseball bat or softball bat? Don't worry, JustBats is here to answer all of your questions on what to do when your bat breaks or becomes defective.
Topics: Baseball Bats, Softball Bats, JustBats.com Exclusives, Bat Care, Uncategorized
5 Of The Best Times To Gift A Baseball Bat Or Softball Bat
Giving is always far better than to receive, right? It makes you feel all warm and cuddly on the inside with the thought of making someone else's day. Now, imagine you're gifting something tangible, something that will better the gift receiver, and something that they'll remember forever. Yes, we're biased. Baseball bats and softball bats make the best gifts. Really, they do. But, when are the best times to gift bats? Thanks to years of experiences, JustBats has compiled a list.
Topics: Baseball Bats, Softball Bats, JustBats.com Exclusives, Uncategorized
Choosing a new baseball bat or finding a new softball bat is fun, right? What if you don't know exactly what you're looking for or what model would be the best? JustBats understands that when it comes to choosing a new bat, there are a lot of options available. But, just by answering a series of questions as you go along, JustBats will eliminate the guess work out of finding the right bat. All of this is done with The Bat Coach. |
Topics: JustBats.com Exclusives
Poetic and traditional in its own right, it's no suprise that the sport of baseball has been the topic behind classic literature. Much more than any other American sport in history. But, what are the best baseball books that every fan should read? |
Topics: MLB, Lists, JustBats.com Exclusives
Your team color is purple. A yellow baseball bat would go with your new cleats. Navy is your lucky color. Another player had an orange softball bat, but that's all you recall about it. JustBats understands. That's why we recently introduced the ability to filter your results by the color of the baseball bat or softball bat. Now, you can select bats by color. |
Topics: JustBats.com Exclusives
Oh, it's contests you like? We understand. We like rewarding our loyal JustBats fans too. That's why we want to make sure you know how to find out when we're running contests and giveaways. |
Topics: Vendors / Brands, JustBats.com Exclusives
By now you've probably heard about Marucci's CAT 7. At JustBats, we love new baseball bats about as much as you love hitting homeruns, which is why we're excited about the recent release of the CAT 7. |
Topics: Bat Reviews, Vendors / Brands, JustBats.com Exclusives
At JustBats, we love summer because we love baseball. And, let's be honest, the pinnacle of summer is the Fourth of July. |
Topics: Bat Reviews, Vendors / Brands, JustBats.com Exclusives