So it's been a couple months since the new re-design of the mobile site and things are looking great. We have increased traffic and increased the time users are spending on our site, which has helped improve our conversion rate. We have had a lot of good feedback from our users expressing to us how fast and and easy it is to use the mobile site, one of the main reasons that the site is so fast is that we are not using any kind of javascript framework, we are just using good old fashion vanilla javascript. One of the harder features to implement, which we have had a lot of success with, is our new three step checkout process. This feature has proven that users have an easier time ordering when the checkout process is divided up into simple, easily explained steps. Another great feature of the mobile site is on the front page, that feature is the new banner rotator that cycles through some of the great banner ad work that is developed in house here at One of my favorite features of the mobile site is the the streamline feel of the site, the whole process of ordering a product has been simplified for the user to make it that much easier to order a bat from your favorite site, As usual we will not stop here when it comes to developing the best user first mobile ecommerce experience, we are always trying to find ways to improve our users' experience. On that note I turn to our loyal audience and I ask you what are you looking for in our mobile site? Is there a feature you would like to see added, maybe videos or a way to compare products or maybe image zooming. The more feedback we get from you the better the mobile site will be.
Lawrence C
Recent Posts Just Built You An Awesome Mobile Experience
The most recent mobile site we have created at Pro Athlete was the handheld version of, a website that aims to be a lighting fast e-commerce web app.
The key attribute we wanted the site to have was “fast”, and the way we did that was firstly building it without a bulky JavaScript library that would increase our file size. Doing this did cause the development team a bit of a headache because of the time it takes to develop vanilla JavaScript versus using a JavaScript library that already does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. We used a lot of new cutting edge web practices that use HTML5 and CSS3, which helps us code efficiently and be at the edge of the new technology in the industry. Overall the site is an extremely mobile optimized site that helps bring an even better shopping experience to our ever-growing fan base.
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