Megan P

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Monday Meet And Greet: Linda H.

Posted by Megan P on Apr 23, 2012 8:46:26 AM

Every Monday we’d like you to meet someone new around here at Get to know us a little better! Meet Linda! Linda works at the front desk of and makes sure when you walk through our door, you have a smile on your face! Here is what makes Linda tick.

1. How long have you worked here at
Just celebrated my 4th anniversary on March 19th
2. What are some of your responsibilities at the front desk of
I greet visitors, I also handle and log purchase orders for colleges and schools, as well as doing other Administrative Assistant duties...I am kind of like a Jill of all trades.
3. What do you enjoy most about working at
The people!! Everyone is so friendly it makes the day SO much more enjoyable!!
4. Tell us what you enjoy doing outside of work?
My MAIN source of enjoyment comes from my 8 month old grandson!! Coming in 2nd place, I just moved into a brand new house, so now I am enjoying decorating it!!
5. What's your favorite sport and team?
Well this is gonna drive some people here nuts, but I am now a NY Jets fan, because I am a big Tebow fan!! But I am and always will be a Chiefs and Royals fan!!
6. What has been your favorite memory so far from working at
The t-shirt Jeramey had made for me for Christmas, that had his picture on it!!! Also, my car was in the shop and I had a rental car, back then we had a small ball field on the NW side of the building. Scott and some of the guys were out there taking some pitches, when Scott hammered one that went really high, and really far....right out to the parking lot and found the roof of my rented car....left a pretty good dent in it.....EVERYONE'S jaw was dropped watching it!!!!
7. Give us your top three favorite movies.
Titanic, The Notebook, Ghost.....I'm a big time mush!
8. Any advice for people coming into your line of work?
When you are smiling on the inside, it comes out in your work.

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Topics: Behind the Scenes

How Quick Does Your Bat Get Shipped?

Posted by Megan P on Apr 20, 2012 2:19:22 PM

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Topics: Behind the Scenes Buyer's Guide: Choosing the Right Size Baseball Bat

Posted by Megan P on Apr 19, 2012 2:00:52 PM

Read More Department Of The Month: Customer Service Representatives And Order Processors

Posted by Megan P on Apr 19, 2012 9:34:26 AM

Every month we would like to introduce you to a department at Each department around here plays a key role in making sure everything runs smoothly and you get your bats in a timely manner, while having a great experience shopping with us. Meet the Customer Service and Order Processing team, this department makes sure that all the orders are processed correctly and are the front line for questions, concerns and any issues customers may have.

1. Tell us a little bit about the Customer Service team.
The Customer Service team is made up of about 22 people that are here to help the customer out with anything. This team is made up of a group of people that get along with each other and that have a lot of the same hobbies so they are able to bond outside of work.
2. What kind of responsibilities does each person in Customer Service and Order Processing take on everyday?
The CSRs answer every phone call, chat, e-mail, and Q&A in a timely manner and help with anything the customer needs. The Order Processor helps with inventory, updating orders and canceling orders.
3. Are there any major challenges you and the team face daily, weekly or even monthly in the Customer Service department?
Rule changes are something that is happening all the time. We are always online and talking with our vendors finding out the newest rules and looking to see if any rule changes are coming down the line.
4. What would you say you look for the most in someone wanting to become a CSR?
Someone that is able to help the customer out with any questions and able to go above and beyond the customer's expectations. We are also looking for someone that will fit the culture that we have in the contact center.
5. We all know with work there has to be some play, tell us about some of the perks of being in the Customer Service Department.
Being able to work with people you get along with, rechargeable headsets, and playing the live version of Draw Something (also known as Pictionary)
6. What are some of the ways goes above and beyond to keep our customers happy?
There is nothing we won't do for the customer to make their experience with us the best experience that they have had while purchasing products online.
7. What is the best part about being a CSR at
Being able to help the customer with anything they need and knowing there is nothing we won't do to help the customer out.

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Topics: Behind the Scenes

Owner of Presents Gold Glove Award

Posted by Megan P on Apr 17, 2012 9:48:27 AM

On April 13th, before the Kansas City Royals Home Opener, the owner of, alongside the Marketing Manager for Rawlings Sporting Goods, had the honor of presenting the 2011 Rawlings Gold Glove Award to Kansas City Royal Alex Gordon.

This is a very prestigious award that takes a lot of hard work and skill to achieve, so congratulations to Alex Gordon on this awesome achievement!

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Topics: Behind the Scenes, Industry News

Jackie Robinson Day

Posted by Megan P on Apr 16, 2012 1:50:05 PM


Yesterday marked the 65th anniversary of when Jackie Robinson first walked out on the field for the very first time with the Brooklyn Dodgers back in 1947, destroying the color barrier in baseball, allowing African Americans to play Major League baseball for the first time. Yesterday all across the U.S. players, managers and coaches wore the number 42 to remember Robinson. Ceremonies and tributes were held on each of the fields to honor the great Jackie Robinson.

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Topics: Industry News

Monday Meet And Greet: Megan P

Posted by Megan P on Apr 16, 2012 12:50:18 PM

Every Monday we’d like you to meet someone new around here at Get to know us a little better! Meet Megan! Megan works in the Creative Department and makes sure that our product videos are fresh and full of great information to make your buying experience even better! Here is what makes Megan tick.

1. How long have you worked here at
I’m a couple months shy of a year.
2. What are some of your responsibilities in the Creative Department?
My main responsibility is to produce videos for our website, so I write a lot, direct shoots, upload videos, etc. If I’m lucky, I get to shoot and edit a piece, but most of the time I’m busy with other video-related tasks.
3. What are your favorite aspects of working with video and film?
Hands down shooting and editing a powerful piece. It’s amazing how video can impact a person’s life or change their world view.
4. Tell us what you enjoy most about working at
I have to agree with everyone else on this one. The culture! The people here are so friendly and fun to be around. I also can’t emphasize enough how amazing the facility is. I pinch myself everyday.
5. What is your process like for coming up with scripts or content for our product videos?
I typically do research on the web or check our manufacturer’s catalogs. I also ask our product experts a lot of questions!
6. You're pretty athletic, what keeps you motivated to stay in shape and be healthy?
I’d say that sports motivated me through college. I wanted to be the best I could possibly be. Post college, I continue to stay active because I love it. I like to push myself, and I always feel great physically and mentally when I’m finished.
7. Whats your favorite memory so far from
There are so many good memories that it’s hard to say. I really enjoyed our company holiday party last year.
8. Since you are a huge part of the video department here, I have to ask, what are your top 3 favorite movies?
That is so stinkin’ tough!! A League of Their Own, Million Dollar Baby, and Wall-E to name a few of MANY!
9. Tell us what you enjoy doing outside of working at
Like I said before, I love being active, so I ride my road bike, run, and play sports. I also enjoy traveling, watching college football, watching movies, and spending time with those I love most.
10. What gets you laughing the most?
Sex and the City episodes, Modern Family, and my significant other

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Topics: Behind the Scenes

Classic Baseball Movie Of The Month: Field Of Dreams

Posted by Megan P on Apr 13, 2012 2:39:27 PM


This months Classic Baseball Movie of the Month is the famous Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner. The movie that marked the famous line "if you build it, he will come" is about a farmer who hears a voice one day telling him to build a baseball field in his crops. The farmer, Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner), listens to the voice and builds the field. After much dispare and financial problems, they soon discover Shoeless Joe Jackson, back from the dead, playing on the field. Shoeless Joe just happened to be Ray's dads favorite ball player. Shoeless Joe requests that Ray bring back other players to play on the new field. This is a great movie and it also packs a little history about famous players and the Black Sox scandal. If you love baseball this movie is a classic definitely worth watching or "re-watching", which is probably the case for most baseball lovers.


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Topics: Behind the Scenes Buyer's Guide: About BBCOR Baseball Bats

Posted by Megan P on Apr 12, 2012 3:55:39 PM

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What To Look At When Choosing A New Bat

Posted by Megan P on Apr 10, 2012 11:09:34 AM

There is a huge variety of bats on the market, and whether you’re looking for a slow pitch, fastpitch, or baseball bat it can be a bit daunting. A good bat is an investment, and you don’t want to throw your money at something that won’t result in better performance. Finding the bat that’s right for you means looking closely at a few important characteristics and choosing the one that fits your individual needs.

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Topics: Baseball Bats, How To